Office 2016 Home and Student
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Download Office 2016 Home and Student for improved professional tasks execution presents the Office 2016 Home and Student. You can purchase it with the cheapest price in the US market. Find also other versions of Office 2016 available like the Office 2019 Home and Business.
Install and activate Office 2016 Home and Student
Office 2016 Home and Student includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote programs. It is especially suitable for individual users working from a personal computer at home. Whether for creating birthday invitations, making a school presentation, or simply writing document, Office 2016 Home and Student helps you accomplish all these tasks effectively.
Free online storage with OneDrive
Connecting through OneDrive via Cloud enables you to work on your documents with your friends simultaneously and get better editing results. OneDrive allows 5 GB of storage space giving you access to your photos and files at any time. Office 2016 Home and Student analyzes how you work and helps you perform the most repeated tasks faster.

The best data entry programs at your disposal
Many improved features in Excel make it easier to create tables. Don't worry about design or planning, just focus on your data. Wash do the rest for you. Also in PowerPoint, new presentations, regulatory functions, and other digital tools help you get the most out of your presentations.

Use the “Tell Me” tool for shortcuts
Now you can simply open, edit, and save PDF files in Word. Using the search tool "tell me”, you can find shortcuts faster. Just enter what you're looking for and you'll get a list of suggestions. You can also use Insights that allow you to search and integrate background information directly from Office applications, such as images, tables and more.