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Office 2007 Home and Student

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Buy Office 2007 with the cheapest price

After a successful purchase, you will instantly receive :

  • Original Office 2007 Home and Student lifetime License Keycode
  • A full version of Office 2007 Home and Student with 32/64 bit download links
  • Instructions on how to install and activate your Office 2007
  • 7/7 Free Technical support as after-sales service
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Install Office 2007 Home and Student and improve your productivity offers Office 2007 Home and Student at a very affordable price. Seize the opportunity and get Office 2007 Home and Student, an impressive software that will meet your needs.

Office 2007 Home and Student

All you need to know about Office 2007 Home and Student

All users, especially those in the academic world, can use the initial trio of the Home and Student edition, namely Word, PowerPoint, Excel. They can also enjoy the use of OneNote. This edition is user-friendly and allows users to perform all the necessary tasks such as creating well-organized documents, making sophisticated presentations, and collecting and analyzing data. Moreover, this software is absolutely beneficial for note taking.

Redesigned Interface

In order to provide users with a consistent user interface where they can enjoy a sophisticated and well-organized menu structure, Microsoft has replaced the menu structure with a ribbon system that is divided into task-oriented tabs, which in turn are divided into groups of commands and features. These improvements were made with the goal of locating the commands, tools, options and features needed to accomplish a particular task in the easiest way possible.

Redesigned Interface

Excel Capabilities

Excel includes new table functions, new charting tools, improved conditional formatting that applies visual formatting to data, as well as updated and easier-to-use pivot tables. In addition, within a large spreadsheet, you can take advantage of the improved formula and function usage that is required to perform the simplest types of calculations. To make creating formulas easier, Excel has undergone serious improvements such as the addition of a resizable formula bar. This means that when you type long formulas, the formula bar automatically resizes so that the formula does not cover the data in the cells.

Excel Capabilities

Advantages of OneNote

With OneNote, you can benefit from secure information storage. It is the ideal tool to protect your pages containing confidential information. Using this well secured program, you can organize your notes and share your notebook with others so that several users can make changes and instantly see the changes made. In this way, you can improve your productivity.

Advantages of OneNote


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