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Publisher 2010

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Buy Publisher 2010 for the best possible price from Productkey24!

After you purchase Publisher 2010 you will be able to access :

  • Your Publisher 2010 activation License Key is a lifetime activation code
  • The Publisher 2010 download link
  • Publisher 2010 Step-by-Step installation and activation instructions
  • 7/7 Free Technical support

NB: The license is a lifetime use for one PC .

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Download Publisher 2010, the new Desktop Publishing Software

Publisher 2010 helps you develop and customize your professional marketing materials, including brochures, newsletters, postcards, blogs, greeting cards and more. Indeed, the software offers its users a wide range of functionalities that facilitate their tasks and help them develop unique publications, and is available on our website Productkey24 as a single application or part of the 2010 Office package.

Publisher 2010

Install Microsoft Publisher 2010 and discover its main features

Publisher 2013 allows simple and fast use of an enriched layout for electronic printing purposes. In other words, this software offers you space-friendly and customized functions with simple tools, such as backstage to easily manage your documents, saving your files to PDF or XPS, and adding a custom ribbon. To better understand how Publisher 2013 operates, below is a rundown of its key features.

The Backstage function

The Backstage feature of Publisher 2010 enables you to share, save, publish and print your documents with just a few clicks. It helps you view the inside perspective, where files and data are being handled.

The Backstage function

Saving PDF or XPS files

Publisher 2010 offers you the opportunity to share and save your files in a range of.pdf and.xps formats. You can either select PDF if you want to save your publication in a format that can be easily shared with many commercial printers or XPS if you want to save your publication with even more compression than the PDF format. Moreover, you can save these files as a password protected for better security.

Saving PDF or XPS files

Simpler user interface

Publisher 2010 presents a simple ribbon that introduces a new addition to the 2010 range of Microsoft Office, replacing traditional menu bars. Toolbar tabs are now distributed along the ribbon in a simple way that makes the user experience more comfortable for editors.

Simpler user interface


I ordered Microsoft publisher 2010 perfect software, big saving, will buy again.
the experience was very cool
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Brilliant website! Excellent customer service made it a quick smooth process for me
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My friend recommended to me since he always purchase his softwares from here so I said why not, let's give it a try too. Im so happy with my publisher, it runs well and I didnt have to pay a lot of money to get it. Even people with no money can buy softwares. Excellent job!
Best softwares site ever !
Highly recommended
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Quality product and good price
I thank the support and technical team for their help
Attractive price and quality product
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