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Excel 2016

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Price in points: 65 points

Get Excel 2016 with the best deal in the market.

As soon as you purchase the product, you will instantly receive :

  • A genuine lifetime Excel 2016 activation License Key
  • The full version of Excel 2016 32/64 bits download link
  • A guide on how to activate your Product
  • 24/7 Free Technical support

PS: This Product is a lifetime license for PCs for Mac version please click here

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Get your own version of Excel 2016 software to manipulate your data

Get the most relevant software from Microsoft Excel 2016 and enjoy the new features and improvements. Excel 2016 also enables you to arithmetically manage data and allows users to create a 3D display system that lets you view data in graphic form. Excel 2016 is now available for you to order it from our website.

Excel 2016

Install and Activate Excel 2016 and meet your deadline and be always productive

In this latest edition of Excel 2016, Microsoft has introduced a range of helpful tools. Starters can take advantage of this software as they can easily use it without any complications. Excel 2016 contains multiple tables and figures along with practical tools to implement your projects faster.

Smart Lockup

The Smart Lockup method from Excel 2016 offers you the option of checking the calculation document online. Click on a box that contains a word or group of words to activate this option. Furthermore, you can search on Google with Bing Online for meanings. This latest functionality included in Excel 2016 provides you with extra detail and pictures of the sidebar without quitting the software.

Smart Lockup

Instant sharing

You can share a format file with many people thanks to Excel 2016 (OneDrive, SharePoint, or DropBox). To take advantage of this method, just log in and pick the file that you want to share in a Microsoft account and enter the email address with the user you want the document to share.

Instant sharing

New types of charts

Excel 2016's edition provides you with a new map form. Elegant graphs (Histogram, Waterfall, Pareto, Box and Whisker, Sunburst) help you to view your operations, evaluate and develop them if you use a file in a specific format. Click on the table and "upload" to allow this function, and pick the appropriate chart type.

New types of charts




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Excellent service they answered all my question instantly.
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Excellent support service.
Amazing support, Great software
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I had a problem getting it to correctly download. I contacted the support team and within a couple of emails they made it happen. Thanks