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PowerPoint 2013

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After a successful purchase, you will immediately receive :

  • PowerPoint 2013 activation License Keycode is a lifetime valid license
  • Complete program of PowerPoint 2013 in both 32/64 bit versions
  • Guides and instructions to activate your Product
  • 7/7 Free Customer care support

PS: This Product is a lifetime license for PC for Mac version please click here

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Download and activate your Powerpoint 2013 now with the cheapest price on the market

Powerpoint 2013 is best known as presentation software. It will allow you to create dynamic slide presentations and demonstrations. It will help you design and do your presentation with its enhanced tools that bring each work into fluid motion .With Powerpoint 2013, you will be able to review and modify your files wherever you are at home or at work with the mobile app option.

PowerPoint 2013

Install and Activate Powerpoint 2013 and bring your presentations to life with the most intelligent technology

Powerpoint 2013 will enhance your ideas with the most eye-catching cinematic motion, rich animation, and it's beautiful design.Powerpoint 2013 will make you perform Slideshows that you will use and will include a variety of styles as animation, narration, images, videos, and many more like 3D models and icons.

Presenter view

The presenter view feature received the overhaul. In Powerpoint 2013 it is now much darker in order that presenting from behind any computer screen will not create a creepy glow view. PowerPoint 2013 presenter view includes also 03 adjustable panes as the slide preview, the next slide preview, and lastly the notes area.

Presenter view

Eyedropper tool

The Eyedropper tool is found in the Shape Fill drop menu bar that you can locate from both the Home tab and the Drawing Tools Format tab. in order to be able to choose different colors to add to your slide, you are invited to simply click on the Eyedropper button, and choose your best-desired color

Eyedropper tool

Motion Start/End paths

Even these are considered as two separate features, you could use them when working with a variety of animations. These two new additions will support especially in the time-saving. With Powerpoint 2013 the previous Play button in the Animation Pane is now switched to the Play From button, which allows you to preview a portion of the animations on any PowerPoint slide you create. By simply selecting a desired animation in the animation pane before pressing the Play From button.

Motion Start/End paths


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Professional People

Professional and very informative stuff very good service I highly recommend
Successful purchase

I have received my license right after ordering it. This website is a time saver.
good customer service , I highly recommend it.
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